Episode 31 - Jennifer Dukes Lee

Author Jennifer Dukes Lee is a woman who is so dear to me and who has taught me so much. She is wise, funny, and exactly the same person in real life as she is in public. This is a remarkable and delightful character trait, I’m sure you agree. We get to talking about Jennifer’s new project, Stuff I’d Only Tell God, which is unique for her and a gift to us. We also dive into what it looks like to show generous compassion toward ourselves, how to be real with God, and the point of all this brutal honesty. I know you’ll love hearing from my friend and fellow Iowa girl, author Jennifer Dukes Lee.
Jennifer Dukes Lee lives on the fifth-generation Lee family farm in Iowa, where she and her husband have invested a life into raising crops, pigs, two beautiful humans, and an enduring faith. A former news reporter, she thinks you can learn a great deal by paying attention to what comes after the beautiful curve of a question mark. She's the author of several books, including her latest, Stuff I'd Only Tell God.