Episode 43 - Nick Connolly

I’m telling you, this conversation was a buoy for my heart. Nick Connolly is a pastor and podcaster, he’s a church planter, and he is, as we will discuss, a statistic buster. He knows a lot about persistence, about pressing on, about taking God up on promises that can feel out of reach. I love the bravery of this conversation. You guys know I’m here for the real answers to real questions, and Nick is our guy, trust me. So listen in and get a shot of courage and tenacity with the pride of Charleston, Nick Connolly.
Nick Connolly is the founding and lead pastor of Bright City Church, a ten-year-old faith community located in the heart of downtown Charleston, South Carolina. Not only is Nick passionate about church, he and his wife, Jess, have started multiple small businesses and love how business can be used for the Kingdom. Nick and Jess live in Charleston with their four kids: Elias, Glory, Benja, and Cannon.